Thursday, October 6, 2011

I guess he likes potatoes too

We had a wonderful dinner this evening--ham steaks, garden salad, and homemade scalloped potatoes. We couldn't eat it all, so I placed the leftovers in reusable storage containers. Silly me, I left the containers on the counter, unguarded.

As I filled the sink to wash the dishes I heard a faint noise behind me--the sound of a kitty head-down in the container in which I had just placed the scalloped potatoes.


Oh, but that's not all. Ten minutes later he was in the dishwasher (no, it wasn't running!) licking the dirty plates. And, 15 minutes after that he had grabbed the pot scrubber and was batting it around the kitchen like a toy.

I love children, but I'll have to admit this past decade (or so) without little ones in the house has been somewhat of a relief.

The vacation is over.

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